









在英国,我们帮助政府部门满足《数字服务标准》(Digital Service Standard,并积极参与其后续改进。在德国,我们一直负责制定数字计划路线图。无论我们在世界的哪个地方开展工作,我们始终为这些项目感到自豪,因为这些项目帮助了社会中的弱势群体,并为需要援助的社区提供支持。

  • A young man with a beard is sitting on public transportation, wearing large white headphones and looking thoughtfully out the window. He is dressed casually in a brown jacket, and the soft light from outside highlights his profile. In the background, other passengers are visible, some standing and others seated, creating a typical busy public transit atmosphere. The image conveys a sense of calm and reflection during the commute, with the man enjoying music or a podcast through his headphones.
  •  A woman wearing sunglasses is sitting in the back seat of a car, reaching for the wheel of a folded wheelchair next to her. She is dressed casually in a gray sweatshirt and appears relaxed. The car door is open, allowing sunlight to fill the space. The image highlights independence and mobility, showing the woman comfortably managing her wheelchair while traveling. The interior of the car is practical and functional, supporting her needs.
  •  A young woman with shoulder-length hair and glasses is sitting by a train window, gazing out at the passing scenery. She is casually dressed in a green t-shirt and holding her smartphone in one hand, resting it on her lap. The sunlight illuminates her face and the train seat, while the blurred view of railway tracks and greenery outside adds to the feeling of peaceful travel. The image captures a quiet moment of reflection and relaxation during a train journey.
  • Two women are sitting together on a bus, smiling and enjoying each other’s company. One woman, wearing a white shirt and sunglasses on her head, looks out the window with a bright smile. The other woman, wearing a gray sweater and dark sunglasses, has her arm around her friend and is laughing. They appear to be having a joyful moment during their journey. The background shows the sunlight filtering through the bus windows, creating a warm and pleasant atmosphere. The image captures a happy, relaxed moment between friends on public transport.








英国能源监管机构(Ofgem)希望 Valtech 能够帮助他们成为数据主导型组织,并帮助能源行业实现转型。我们通过建立数据交换和数据中心帮助他们管理所有运营职能的监管数据。现在,他们能够在几天内就做出监管决定,再也无需花费数周的时间。


“我认为 Valtech 是值得信赖的合作伙伴,我信任他们之前的工作,我信任他们的专业精神。当选择由他们执行这项工作时,我非常放心。交付管理、用户研究、开发人员,所有的一切都交织在一起。但他们始终正面挑战并证明了自己。虽然没有一帆风顺的旅程,但在遇到困难的时候, Valtech 始终与我们同在,给予我们实质性支持。”

首席运营官,Sarah Cox

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我们为英国运输部DfT)运营屡获殊荣的 Blue Badge 服务。我们已经完成了该项目的端到端。在对他们的应用程序进行现代化改造后,我们现在正在管理其服务。总体而言,现代化项目每年可节省 475 万英镑,而交由我们管理该项目可以让 DfT 的员工专注于对他们来说真正重要的工作。




我们通过确定关键的服务需求以确保满足您的要求。然后,我们将与您一起制定详细的服务级别协议,其中包含可衡量的 KPI,确保服务始终处于最佳状态。



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